Orphan World Foundation

Orlando, FL - 32862

(321) 251-5165

Orphan World assists streetchildren and teens "aging out" of foster kids. Many babies are adopted. Millions more NEVER get a family. What happens to them? Most end up on the streets. A former Romanian orphan wanted to help kids from Romanian orphanages who weren't adopted. His Backpack Carepak project inspired hundreds to donate backpacks of gently used clothing. It helped almost 1000 orphans living in the underground sewers of Bucharest. A movie producer documented delivery. Romania is not the only place with thousands of abandoned kids. Donations went to South America twice and more are going to Asia. Donations have helped homeless US kids too. We advocate and assist children that no one ever wanted. The numbers speak for themselves. It is a worldwide epidemic of 150 million and growing. VOLUNTEERS are NEEDED. Give a H.O.O.T. (Hope Options

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