Chance for Success, Street Newspaper

Tucson, AZ - 85705

(520) 440-5194

501(c)(3) organization.

Street papers intend to act as both an advocacy tool and a primary way for people who have been homeless to be active leaders in that advocacy.

Most papers are run, written, and sold by homeless people.

Many papers offer case management assistance, training and networking opportunities to homeless folks in their communities.

The National Coalition for the Homeless support the advocacy and empowerment outlet that street newspapers have provided.

Mission statement

From the website:

Our Mission is for the homeless, marginalized, re-entry, and low-income individuals of Tucson to have an opportunity to succeed through self-determined employment, by creating/selling the street newspaper for an income. To bring awareness, empowerment, and advocacy for those benefiting from the programs that are created for the individuals that we giving a voice to in the community.

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