Alaska Women's Leadereship Forum

Anchorage, AK - 99507

(907) 222-1004

Mission: AWLFs mission is to provide networking and education venues for idea and information exchange to enhance leadership skills, professional excellence, and career advancement among women in Alaska.AWLF is the direct result of the decades long vision and passion of Board President, Teresa Jacobsson."When I first envisioned a support group for working women in Alaska nearly 15 years ago, I never imagined that group would reach this level of support and interest. Alaska is a unique place to live, with landscape, weather, industries, tribes and politics unlike any other state in our nation.My objective was to provide support to all women in Alaska, at any career level, and in any industry, and to provide support for those women furthering their education.The Alaska Womens Leadership Forum focuses on all women in Alaska who are working to better themselves and their families, by providing support and hands-on knowledge on what its like to be a working woman in Alaska."Teresa brought together a group of like-minded women in 2011, and the founding board was established in 2013. Together with our Advisory Council we want to create not just an annual event of collaboration and learning, but an ongoing forum for working women of all ages and industries to benefit from each other.Our vision is to accomplish this through a large annual event, smaller quarterly networking events, an ongoing volunteer mentoring program, and an active online social community. Our mission is to provide networking and education venues for idea and information exchange to enhance leadership skills, professional excellence, and career advancement among women in Alaska.

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