Parents Support Group of Massachussetts

Barnstable, MA - 02630

(508) 362-6921

The Parents Support Group advocates for the parents and families of children who have been taken illegally and without good cause by child "protective"services.We work with families to develop strategies to get their children home;work politically to protect families from abuse by the State,and to protect children who are in state care.Our goal is to expose the illegal and abusive practices of Child Protective Services,enact permanent policy changes to end the abuse,violations of the Constitution,and the terrorism to our children for the profit of this State agency.We are organizing throughout our state and across the U.S.,to demand accountability from C.P.S.,the courts,and the legislators,and to create firm boundries for State intervention into our homes and families.We are currently gathering affadavits from parents,children,and professionals to present to a state investigation as well as a congressional investigation.

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